Wisdom's Hiding Place

Beyond Belief

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Paul R. Gibson

          Wisdom's Hiding Place

5.0 out of 5 stars, Posted November 24, 2012
By Smokinggum
Barnes & Noble
Reading this book I was taken back to an age of about 5 years old when I first made some determinations about religion. Those determinations said there was value to religion in general but no more so than reading fables that contained some good values to accept.
Imagine my astonishment when this book revealed the parallels of biblical references, reality and my concept of God. I no longer throw the Baby out with bath water.
Further, It's not religion on trial here, it's belief...period. I am more aware than ever of how certain beliefs of mine are not correct so much as undisputed. Looked at this way I can imagine myself to hold value constantly above systems of belief that have held me hostage.
No corner of my life can be re-examined this way and not be better served. Stubbornly held beliefs, gut wrenching reactions, and years of abysmal unexamined thought processes reach out to me like red flags warning me of their possible threat. And when held in that light become possibilities to change my perspective and liberate myself.

5.0 out of 5 stars, A Timely and Important Read, November 10, 2012
By T. Spence
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
A timely and important read; considering our nation's current struggle with understanding one's responsibility and identity within a society that is constantly trying to define our thoughts and beliefs for us. "Wisdom's Hiding Place" addresses the distinctions between faith and belief, and the importance of personal responsibility within our community and the dangers of selfish ignorance in a logical pragmatic tone. The author's discussion on "reasoned imagination" is a fascinating look at how we can successfully promote our own understanding of another's perspective by working towards a complete, intent knowledge. Chapter nine discusses one of my favorite topics: realism. Yes, realism is discussed throughout the book, but in chapter nine the author directs us towards the implications of idealism within the values of realism. The author walks you through the difficult distinctions between a realist and an idealist in a careful deliberate way. As a result, by the end of the book you find that you have an elevated understanding of where one's true beliefs are hiding because you understand what obstacles have been getting in your way.

